I am sure that you want to lose weight.
I have good news for you, just sit back in your chair, and keep reading…
I will even give you a free video course, just scroll down the page.
I will be honest with you, I do not have problems with my weight anymore.
I never thought about calories in sugar, I never thought about calories in anything. When my jeans get to tight, I just eat a little bit less for a while, untill they fit again, and that is about it as far as my weightloss concerns.
Now, you probably think that I am just lucky. You probably see this page now, because you are interested in the amount of calories in sugar!
Well, there is something more to say about it. I am lucky, I agree, but not in the sense that you think. I am lucky because I learned to copy other people’s skills, and I learned to make my own skills copy-able. It was during my Master’s course NLP that I learned these skills, and I have been coming in handy on many occasions.
Because I know that you would be really happy, if you had my weight-control skills, I wil share them here with you. You will be able to copy my skills, not just the behavior, but the skills behind it. You will actually GET my skills, and you will feel the same way as me about your weight. But I only give this to you, as my present, if you promise me that you will go and help other people too.
You are right, when you want to lose weight, you will have to know something about calories. In sugar, in fruits, meat, cakes, anything you are tempted to eat.
You know just as well as me, that if you would have only eaten vegetables, rice, wholegrain bread with a little bit of cottage cheese, you would be thin now. But you didn’t, right?
I will tell you my trick, or rather the basic trick. It’s called the setpoint. You probably heard about that already; but I will tell you the secret of actually making it work for you. First some facts:1. Our subconscious mind does not recognize any negatives. See this little cute pink elephant? Now: Try to NOT think of a pink elephant. You can’t!
2. We often make pictures of what we don’t want. The outcome: we will get exactly what we pictured, i.e. what we don’t want.
3. Spend time to make a picture of that what you do want, keep in in the front of your thought, and you will get there, sooner or later. You can be sure that it will materialize, often sooner that you think.
What does that mean for our calories? In sugar we are probably not so interested anymore, because when we have our picture clear of what we want, our sugar craving is probably over. We will have to make some allowances for ourselves though, one day per week a bar of chocolate for example, or one day per week just eat as much as we like. We need that extra manoeuvering space, so give it to yourself as a present.
The trick:Imagine a clear picture of yourself
with your ideal weight.
Stop thinking in the way you used to, because you already proved that that did not work. So take a new approach, I will take you by the hand and guide you through the difficult phases, ok? Just because it makes ME feel good if I do!
So, let’s imagine how you look and feel when you have your ideal weight:
- What is your ideal weight? Take a realistic goal, you can always go further. What would make you happy enough for now? Make it specific! Not x pounds less than now, but a specific number of pounds on your scale.
- What clothes do you wear? when you are having your ideal weight. Take out a pen an a paper, or a glossy magazine, and cut out the clothes you will wear when you are having your ideal weight. Paste them on the paper and put it in a place that you see everyday at least a couple of times.
- How do you feel? Be specific! Will you feel energetic, goodlooking, young, enthusiastic…
- How do you look? As a woman you might want to use terms like “elegant”, or “slim”, as a man maybe “athletic”. Or just find your own word.
Now you have to practice some “mental hygiene”. Everytime you realize that you are telling yourself something negative, just do one of these three things:
1. tell yourself to stop demotivating yourself
2. think the opposite
3. think about something completely different.
You will experience how easy it is to stop sabotaging yourself, just do it and get in control of your thoughts.
When we get back to the calories: In sugar, in chocolate, in cakes, jams, marmelades, Mayonaise, French Fries, beer, peanuts, crisps… I am sure that you know just as well as me that you are not going to reach your ideal weight if you keep eating those. Sure, make some allowance. Promise yourself one fixed day per week to “sin”, your body will not convert all the calories into bodyfat when you indulge yourself in forbidden food once a week. But keep it to that one day! And the less you eat, the faster you will reach your goal.
In short:
- Make a clear picture of how your new self looks like.
- Keep the picture of your new self close to your working space, make more copies ad stick them up at places you see everyday.
- Train your mind to stop sabotaging you.
And keep track. Buy a little notebook, or use your agenda. Weigh yourself every week (NOT every day!!) on the same day, same time. And write it down. Give yourself little presents when you lose the weight you were planning to lose. Invent new ways to compensate yourself: NO FOOD!!! Take yourself out for a walk, a film, buy yourself a new piece of clothing, something for your house… You will get more and more creative to make life great without thinking of food.
If you want help with counting calories and burning more energy in a easy way, we will show you step by step the way to a healthier, happier, more energetic new you. We even provide you with the willpower needed!
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