Eat foods which are less in calorie and more in healthy weight,some more vegetables to replace the carbohydrate stuff!! if you feel you are in a weight gaining state,try to eat rice with spoon and other vegetables by hand!!
**fruits***eat as much you like...........
Protein: Eat more beans,nuts,seeds,&include fish or lean meat if you are a non veggie!!
Vitamin: include vitamin rich foods and fruits
Sugar: do not add sugar to fruits,take less sugar or replace that with jaggery!!
Sodium: take less than 1 tea spoon of iodised salt , if you always prefer salty food ,regularly eat bananas,as they absorb the salt and prevent high blood pressure!!
Calcium: drink 3 to 4 cups of milk or yoghurt daily.
Fats: take foods which are prepared from low saturated oils, or use sun flower oil&&&(try to prevent junk food)
Just making your body moving or involving in any bodily activity is enough to stay healthy!! Practice any 3 or 4 exercises regularly and increase the timing daily in a stepwise manner which should be continuously done for at least 20 minutes,you can do skipping also!! exercise 50 minutes to maintain healthy weight and 90 minutes to reduce weight!!! of these **walking** is a good practice!!
Remember you are not a body builder to stress your body all the time doing tough exercises!!
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